
1. 由於疫情情況,香港地區的標准上門配送服務已經停止。你仍然可以利用順豐智能櫃自取服務,其派送時間亦會延長數日,感謝你的耐心等待及體諒!澳門的標准上門配送服務及自取服務照常。
2. 有鑑於近期本地疫情情況,指定地區的派送服務將有所調整,詳情請參閱順豐速運網站以了解最新服務公告,謝謝。

1. Due to current wave of COVID-19 situation, the standard door-to-door delivery service in Hong Kong has been discontinued. You can still use SF Express's lockers for self-pickup service, and its delivery time will be extended for a few days. Thank you for your patience and understanding! Standard door-to-door delivery and self-pickup services in Macau are as usual.
2. In view of the current wave of coronavirus infections in Hong Kong, delivery service to specific areas will be adjusted. Please visit SF Express website for latest announcement. Thank you.
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